Ahmed Magdy

Professional Software Developer


Screenshot of basra cards game
The Drawing App

is a simple and easy to use drawing app for all ages

Screenshot of basra cards game
Basra Cards Game

is a simple cards game made with only C and Raylib

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Screenshot of connect4 game
Connect 4

The classic Connect4 game made with C++ and Raylib

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Hack Assembler
Hack Assembler

A Simple Assembler for the hack machine language. this part of the from nand to tetris course

Download for windows 64bit
Screenshot of snake game

The well known old snake game is available on Windows and Linux

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Screenshot of tic tac toe game
Tic Tac Toe With Basic AI

Made with html, css and js used the Mini-Max algorthem to implement basic AI

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Screenshot of space defender game
Space Defeneder

A simple and small game made only with html, css and js without even using the canvas to draw

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Screenshot of Turbo Download Manager
Turbo Download Manager

is a simple file downlaoder that is built using C# and Windows Forms, currently it supports the http protocol only and uses range requests to create multiple threads for faster downloading and to shorten downloading time.

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Screenshot of pong game

The classic pong game made with C++ and Raylib

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Screenshot Take Break
Take Break

A Windows Desktop app to organize your breaks made using C# and Windows Forms

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